Best Method for Removing a Dog Bite Scar ?

I have a couple of noticable scars on my face. I want to know what is the MOST effective (with long-term results) way to reduce them. I've been looking into scar revision and Fraxel laser treatment. I have discoloration and the scars not keoloid, their from a dog bite and indent inward slightly. I really want the best results and am extemely nervous, please help!!!!

No Easy Answer

There's no easy answer to your question. Scars are permanent and treatments that exist serve only to improve - not remove - them. There are likely two different concerns you may have. The first is contour irregularities that may exist. Dog bites can destroy underlying tissue including even bone. Most bites involve some destruction of the subcutaneous fat. Improvement of this can be achieved with deep scar release and fat grafting. This can substantially improve contour abnormalities. You scar is also likely hyper or hypo pigmented and the dermis of the scar itself may be thicker or thinner than the surrounding skin. These issues are harder to treat. Peels, dermabrasion and laser can all be effective tools to make small improvments. I hope this helps.

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